EEEKTales From The West End

Tales from the West End is an invitation to explore and experience our community through stories about our common past.
JJ Bean Coffee Roasters (1209 Bidwell Street) located in the original Maxines Hideaway, is a West End landmark with many tales hidden in its walls, including illicit activities that add to the colourful folklore of the West End. This is an opportunity to visit this renovated historic building, hear stories and tell your stories about the West End. Come and meet your neighbours and explore ideas to create community around the stories that contributed to creating our neighbourhood.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
6:30pm to 8:30pm
Admission is free. Complimentary refreshments will be available.
Event supporters include Heritage Vancouver, Gordon Neighbourhood House, Greenest City Fund, WE Arts and JJ Bean Coffee Roasters. Sketches by Lea Chambers (above) Broderick Wong (right).