EEEKCongratulations #WeAmaze winners!
On a crisp and autumnal October afternoon, a happy crowd of West End residents and neighbours came together at the newly renovated XY on Bute for the 2nd Annual #WeAmaze Photo Show, hosted in partnership with Intracorp Canada and The Jervis.
Attendees were given a sticker and instructed to vote for their favourite photo. The atmosphere was jovial and full of post-work chatter and the voting was a tight race amongst a few stand-out entries. After almost two hours of voting, West End BIA Promotions Coordinator Caitlin Rowe and Communications Director Stephen Irving were proud to announce Julie Kille (@jukille) the winner, with her image of beautiful gardens in Mole Hill. Julie works as a nurse with St. Paul’s Hospital and was esctatic to win the grand prize of a brand new Electra Loft city bike ($1000 value) from Denman Bike Shop.
In order to build momentum and increase excitement for the #WeAmaze Photo Show, we ran the People’s Choice component through Facebook. All 13 images were posted on the West End BIA Facebook page and the community were asked to ‘Like’ their favourites. This was also a chance for the photographers to drum up support through their existing social media networks and foster some friendly competition.
With a record-breaking number of likes, Rachael Wilkinson won the People’s Choice award. The prize for this new West End resident is a hotel and dining package generously donated by The Listel Hotel and Forage ($300 value). Rachael’s fun image from English Bay and the Cactus Club can be seen here.

A massive thank you to everyone who attended and helped make this campaign a success for the second year. We couldn’t have done it without our sponsors and partners including Intracorp Canada, Denman Bike Shop, XY, The Daily Catch, European Delicatessen, Baguette & Co, The Listel Hotel Vancouver and Forage.